Once again

You were there in my sorrow

When my world dissolved around me

You held my hand with each crisis I endured

With that quick smile of comfort

And that gentle knowing in your eyes

I felt hope returning to my soul

We’ve been through many valleys

And we’ve reached to the mountains

As we’ve seen God deliver us from harm

We’ve anguished over children

As we struggled to love and guide them

And we’ve known God would cover with His arm

We’ve watched as our families

Have withstood the storms of aging

And we’ve longed for those rocking chairs on the porch

We’ve watched many sunrises

With the fish jumping toward us

As we’ve enjoyed friends and family riverside

And we’ve clung to our Savior

As the darkness closed around us

And the pain wracked your quiet frame once more

I’ve struggled as I’ve watched you

Feeling helpless to touch that anguish

As it robs you of your most precious life

But you lie there glowing, loving

Praying for those around you

Radiating peace that passes understanding

I know there’s a place of healing

Waiting just beyond the River

Where the fish are always biting just for you

And I know that I will see you once again


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