First Public Reading/Signing almost here!

Excited, exhilarated, thrilled, but a little intimidated. There is an actual "shift"--no reference to my book intended--in the universe when a writer becomes a published author.

Perhaps no one but the subject feels the jolt, but it is seismic to the principal player. It took me from the world of stockpiling my writing, to planning readings and signings, organizing my burgeoning stack of material into categories, hence future books.

It opened a fresh flood gate of writing, thinking, planning. Book ideas are sprouting in every direction.

Now that I have created an egress by publishing, the flow is least to me.

So, dear Reader, if you too are a writer but have not published, I entreat you...what are you waiting for?


Reading/Signing for Shift Sept. 20


Squirrels and Other Distractions